Monday, December 13, 2010

Perplexing Fortune

Thursday night and the ritual begins at our local Chinese restaurant.

Fortune cookies and chocolates arrive just after our tea is served. Tony mixes up the cookies on the plate and I select one. If the fortune seems to be ‘a message from the Universe’ or blogworthy, it ends up in a pocket or purse until it is found weeks, maybe months later, only to be discarded. Those deemed rubbish on the night end up on the plate with the screwed up wrappers—a quicker disposal process. There have been a few blogworthy fortunes but none of them ever seemed to make it to the blog. Until now ...

What do you do with a fortune like that?

Avoid taking unnecessary gambles. Lucky # 13,15, 29, 38, 14, 46.

Hmmm ... to gamble or not to gamble? Smiley

And then we crack open the second cookie ...

The fortunes are the same!

What are the chances of that?


  1. My suggestion is "avoid any unnecessary gambles" but definitely take those numbers in Lotto...

  2. That's two votes I've had today to gamble! :-)


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